Sunday 17 October 2010


So... this is my blog. I struggled with the name, which I think is pretty clear. Allow me to explain: I am not going to "post everything", all the detail of my life in its minutiae, on this blog. That would not be interesting for anyone. Nor does it refer to the postal service. I know very little about that. No, Post refers to being a post grad, a category in which I reluctantly find myself having graduated from uni in July. I say reluctantly, but notice I am loathe to include myself in the unemployed category, to which, as my mother reminds me, I also now belong. Graduating was satisfying and all and the summer was great, however now I basically have no idea what to do with my life and its rather worrying let me tell you. My degree is in English Lit, and I have always loved writing so I thought I would chronicle my search for the perfect job. Or rather any job. And some money. So far I have done a lot of unpaid internships in interesting fields (more of which later) while making money doing things that I do not want to do forever, like nannying, waitressing, shop assistanting (not a word. my degree served me well). Hopefully I will find a way to reconcile the two, and not end up penniless and smug nor miserable and rich. This is the hope. As things stand, today is Sunday which of course means tomorrow is Monday which of course means it all starts tomorrow. Tomorrow I will send out C.V's, I will make phone calls and I will call in favours and by this time tomorrow I will probably (definitely) still be unemployed, but I will have been productive. And that is enough to keep the wolf from the door (i.e my parents from annoying me) for a good 24 hours. Again, this is the hope.

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